2025 Show Schedule
If your name is in bold we received your payment.

Feb 1 & 2                      Albion Jumper Show
                                          Martha, MariannaLaura, Addison,                                                       Alyssa, Maddie

March 29 & 30           Albion Jumper Show
​                                                    Martha, Marianna, Catalina, Alyssa 

May 10 & 11                  Fox Brush @ Albion
​                                           Martha 

June 21                          Revel Run Fun Show                  
​                                            Martha 

July 18-20                    Wyn Farm H/J (Williamston)
​                                           Martha 

Aug. 22 - 24                   Wyn Farm H/J (Williamston)
​                                            Martha 

Sept. 5 - 7                       Wyn Farm H/J (Williamston)

November                      Albion Jumper Show

December                        Albion Jumper Show

 Old School 2012 Shows - Click on any picture to enlage!!  More Photo's on Facebook!
Click on any picture to enlarge!
HomeLessons & Pony PalsLeasing & Practice  RidesBoardingEquine TransportHorse Showing & RMS TrainingContact

Competitive Show Program

Riders of every level can join our competitive show team! Whether just starting out or a seasoned show rider, from lead line and dressage to meter 1.20 jumpers! We offer something for everyone. 

Riders start in:
Intro. Lessons (Level A & B)$375/month (1 lesson/week)
All riders will need to obtain paddock boots, half chaps, helmet & grooming tote.
Riders stay in this type of lesson until they can groom and tack up on their own.

Riders move into 2 rides per week:
30 min. Private (Level B+ & above) $500/month (2 rides/week)
Riders must at least arrive 30 mins. early to groom & tack.
Riders will need to obtain their own saddle, saddle pad & bathing items.
1-hour Group (Level B+ & above)$500/month (2 rides/week)
Riders must at least arrive 30 mins. early to groom & tack.
Riders will need to obtain their own saddle, saddle pad & bathing items. These riders are preparing to move into leasing within a few months (3 to 4) of being at this level.
Once riders reach Level B+ they can start attending horse shows, sign up for Practice Rides and Lease either a GES Lesson horse or an outside horse we bring in. Riders can also choose to get their own horse. 

Email us to get signed up or fill out the New Rider registration!

Practice Rides/Pre-leasing (Level B+ & C)$45

Half Lease (Level B+ & above)$750/month (3 rides/week)
Must have own saddle, saddle pads, grooming and bathing items.
2 lessons & 1 practice ride or 1 lesson & 2 practice rides.
2010 & 2011
Check out our Facebook page for horse show photo's and accomplishments for the current season!
Martha &
Just Too Ready Freddy
Dominating in Hunters & Jumpers!

USHJA Certified Trainer - Robyn Schamante 
Email - Robyn@greatescapestables.com         
Lily &
Hesitations Revel
Bringing Rev along in the 2'6 Hunters & Jumpers!
Show Team Links
Show payments:

Current Show Team Packet

Layla &
Take It To The Max
Lead Line extrodinare and working on Walk-Trot!
Marianna &
Sir Joseph
Working her way through the 2' & 2'3" Jumpers!

Addison R. & 
Take It To The Max
Our newest rider working on ground poles & cross-rails.
Addison L. &
Function On Fire
Alyssa will be starting her first year horse showing in 2023!
Please click the RMS Training logo for haul-in & off site training as well as additional professional services.
Laura &
Laura is starting her first year horse showing in 2024!
Catalina & 
Keep Calm & Carry On 
Catalina is in her first year of horse showing in 2024!
Alyssa &
Duncan Donut
Alyssa will be starting her first year horse showing in 2023!