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Trail Riding
Join us for a leisurely ride down country roads and through the fields and forest of Michigan!
All trail riding is weather dependent year round.
We do not offer general public trail riding, sorry.
For the health & safety of our horses we have a weight limit of 250#/riders must be height/weight balanced.

Trail ride inquiries are done via email only. To inquire on available rides or to sign up please email Robyn@greatescapestables.com 

INTRO. TRAIL RIDING LESSONS: We offer introductory trail riding lessons for those who have little to no experience with horses or riding and those wishing to move into more ongoing trail riding as an evaluation lesson.
  • 2-hour lesson for 2 people: 30 mins for check in, rules, grooming/tacking, 20 min. in arena learning basics of stop, go, steering and trail safety, approx. 1 hour on trails/road, 10 mins for untacking, horse care & putting horse away. 
  • $95/rider (1 person private trail ride lesson is $125)
  • Ages 12 - Adult
  • Cost includes use of a horse, tack, helmet (required by insurance for all lessons) & instruction.
  • Days available vary, please email robyn@greatescapestables.com for current openings. 

ONGOING TRAIL RIDING LESSONS: We offer regular trail riding lessons for those who wish to get better in the saddle for vacation riding, confidence building, local guided trail rides, eventually leasing or buying their own trail horse etc. Riders in these lessons have a basic understanding of grooming/tacking, making a horse stop and stand, walk/trot and basic steering (if you need these skills sign up for the Intro. lessons)
  •  2 to 3-hour (approx.) lesson for 1 to 3 people: 30 mins for grooming/tacking, approx. 1 -2 hours of riding, 30 for untacking, grooming and clean up.
  • ​ $75/person
  • Ages 12 - Adult
  • Cost includes use of horse, tack, helmet (required by insurance for all lessons) & instruction.
  • Days available vary, please email robyn@greatescapestables.com for openings.
  • Riders in this program that have approval from trainer may join the GES trail rides below.

Private/Custom TRAIL RIDING LESSON: One-on-one instruction from GES or we can meet at a trail head. Green horses or riders new to trail riding with their own horse. Custom options available, contact us with special request.
  • $50/per hour (plus mileage if traveling to you)
  • Ages 10 - Adult
  • Days & Times vary, please contact us for availability.

On occasion dinner/food options may follow upon returning to the barn :)
Please note the level of the trail ride before signing up.

GES Rider GES Trail rides: Trail rides listed on the lesson calendar for Level C & higher (Level A & B/B+ riders should sign up for the Intro. Trail Riding Lessons if they want to join the Trail rides.) These trail rides venture along the roads/fields/woods around GES. You have to be able to control your horse in the open. Some trail rides maybe noted for Jump Level 1 & higher as they maybe trotting and cantering. 
  • Rides listed @ GES are $35 ($50 for non-boarders/non-lease riders) and approx. 2 hours long (you should be groomed and tacked-up by the start time). 
  • These rides are in your own tack on your own horse or one of the following GES horses (Charlize, MJ, Donut, Marcus). Limited Western saddles maybe available at $25/use fee.

GES Rider OFF-PROPERTY Trail rides: Trail rides listed on the lesson calendar for Level C & higher (Level A & B/B+ riders should sign up for the Intro. Trail Riding Lessons if they want to join the Trail rides). YOU MUST HAVE GONE ON A GES TRAIL RIDE IN ORDER TO ATTENED AN OFF-PROPERTY TRAIL RIDE.
  • Rides listed @ GES are ($85/boarders/leasers, add $35 horse use fee for non-boarder/leasers) and approx. 2 to 3 hours long. (1 hour to get to trail head & groom/tack, 2 to 3 hours of riding, 1 hour to get back to GES & unload/clean up).
  • Maximum of 5 riders.
  • Cost includes your trailering to the trail head, a bag of hay, use of trailer (to tie horse/hay to while tacking), guide/instruction on trail.
  • The trail time noted is when you should meet at GES to load your horse.
  • IF YOU SIGN UP FOR THIS TRAIL RIDE YOU MUST BE 99% SELF SUFFIENT! Keep track of your stuff, remember your items, be able to control your horse outside the arena etc.
  • You will need your tack, grooming kit and if chilly out your horse's cooler. Additionally, you will want a small backpack or saddle bag to carry items. Your phone should be on a belt holder. Click for all trail ride items.
  • These rides are in your own tack on your own horse or one of the following GES horses (Charlize, MJ, Donut, Marcus). Limited Western saddles maybe available at $25/use fee.

You can trail ride in your English tack, but some find a western saddle more comfortable. If you would like to get a Western saddle, we can help you do so and you can store it at the barn.

The trail,
 is best viewed 
though the ears of a horse!