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Recreational Lessons & Programs
The following programs are designed for the casual rider who is new to riding or seasoned riders working at the trot & canter levels (A-C) either English or Western. Riders in these programs are not looking for extensive jumping or to horse show. 
If you have questions on lessons/programs, you may email us at robyn@greatescapestables.com

Ages 3 to 6 - Pony Pals$25/class (Click for Details)
        Meets once a week usually April - Oct. as space is available in our program schedule.
        Class is generally 30 mins. to 1 hour long, if a waitlist develops, we will open a second class.
        Classes focus on safety and hands-on activities with a short pony ride.
        Can sign up online, no evaluation lesson required. Min. of 4 participants to run this class.
        We also offer a Pony Pal Camp for kids 4 to 6 years old. 
        Please click the link above for more details on Pony Pals.

​Ages 4 to 7 - Pony Pals Plus $50/class (Click for Details)​
        Pony Pal monthly lessons for up to 4 lessons per month, 1 on 1 setting.
       Class is generally 30 mins. long.
       Classes focus on safety and basic riding skills at the walk and trot. 
     Riders at this level have the opportunity to work towards more independence with their pony and attending their first           lead line classes at horse shows. 

Ages 7 to Adult - Private Lessons$325/month (Click for Evaluation Lesson Registration)
            -Lesson includes grooming/tacking/basic mounted skills/untacking.
            -These lessons start out a 1 hour private lessons, as riders become more independent with their grooming and tacking               skills they arrive early to groom and tack up their horse and move into half-hour private lessons (all mounted) and                   then untack and groom independently after their lesson. So as you progress you will be at the barn for up to 1.5 hours.
           -Your first few lessons will focus on more grooming, once a rider learns grooming/tacking the lesson will spend                         more time on riding. As riders become more independent with grooming/tacking they may arrive early to                         groom/tack.
           -All riders will need to obtain paddock boots, helmet & grooming tote within the first 2 months of lessons.
           -Riders in these lessons should also want to look into attending horsemanship classes to further their off horse skills.

Ages 7 to Adult - 30 min. UNMOUNTED Equine Therapy Time  $35/participant
            -Sessions involve grooming, grazing, bathing, in hand arena work, coordination and motor skills work, focusing on                      trust, communication, non-verbal ques and more! 
            -This program is for riders looking to spend time with horses on the ground & learn about safety, grooming,                                      communication with their horse, basic horse care, grooming, feeding treats and general horse knowledge etc.
            -Adaptive riders looking for lessons START in this program and may move into our general lesson program once                           acclimated to horses. 
           -Our current openings for this class vary please email robyn@greatescapestables.com to get a list of currently available ETT time slots.

Practice Rides (Level B+ & C)$50
        GES riders looking for additional time in the saddle can sign up to ride outside of their lessons.​       

Half Lease (Levels B+ & C)$300/month
        Riders must be taking a minimum of 4 lessons per month & be able to groom/tack on their own.
        Riders must have their own saddle pads, grooming & bathing equipment.
        Lease is for up to 4 rides per month.

NON- Lessoning Half Lease (Levels B+ & C)$650/month 
        May be done without also taking lessons but needs a trainer’s approval.
        Riders must be able to groom/tack on their own.
        Must have own saddle pads, grooming, bathing equipment & SHOULD have their own saddle.
        Lease is for up to 3 rides per week.