WELCOME Campers & Parents!
We are very excited that you will be joining us for Great Escape Stables Day Camp! Our counselors, horses and pony’s are busy preparing for an awesome summer. Please read the following closely so that you are prepared for a fun and enjoyable week of camp. If you have any questions please contact us before your camp session begins.
Required Forms
All campers must have completed Rider Liability Packet. It must be completely filled out, signed and returned to us either before camp or brought with you on the first day IF you already ride at GES you don’t need to submit another form. However, there is also a copy of our barn rules, which EVERYONE must read over with their camper before attending camp and sign the form at the end. This packet SHOULD be filled out as part of your camp registration.
Pick-up, Drop-off & Parking
- There is absolutely no parking on the grass, anywhere!
- Please use the parking lot in front of the barn. The other drive is for a private residence.
- Campers should be dropped off by the outdoor arena viewing area at the picnic tables. Please make sure to check-in your camper with the counselor or CIT. If you arrive early you must wait with your camper until check in (10 mins.) prior to the camp start time.
- Campers will be picked up from the same area they are dropped off at and should be picked up no later then 10 mins. following the camp day end time.
- Please check in/out with a Counselor or C.I.T since we need to always account for all campers.
What to Wear:
- Long Pants (breeches, jodhpurs, leggins or jeans)
- Flat soled Boots with a ½” to 1” Heel

- Well fitted top. NO thin strap tank tops, riding is a sport and campers clothing should reflect that. NO baggy tunic tops they can get caught on tack when riding.
- Long hair should be tied back.
What to Bring:
- Sun Screen & Insect Repellant
- Shorts/Extra Top. Shorts must be an appropriate length.

- Water Bottle & Sports drinks (with campers name)
- Sack Lunch with campers name on it (fridge available)
- Helmet (we can provide if you don’t have one, NO bike helmets)
- Bag to contain all riders’ items
What Not to Bring:
Video Games
Pocket Knives
Cell Phones
All items should be clearly marked with the camper’s name to prevent loss. It is recommended that campers bring a backpack or tote bag to keep their items together. Please do not bring anything of value, as we cannot ensure its safety. Cell phones are to be used in emergencies only and will be confiscated for the day if found otherwise, likewise for iPods or other electronics.
Before Camp Session Starts:
If a camper has never been to camp at GES and is not a current student at GES it is STRONGLY recommended that they take a 1 hour private lesson well before their camp session. Please note our camps are for riders who have at least sat on a horse before and steered them at the walk in a lesson/camp setting (not just trail riding). If your camper has not walked a horse around an arena without being led they need to take a a lesson BEFORE the month that their camp is in.
During Camp:
Each morning campers will receive a group-riding lesson. They will also learn different horsemanship skills such as grooming, bathing, tacking, vet and blacksmith work, equine behavior, breeds and disciplines. Just before lunch all campers assist in barn responsibilities. Lunch is a time for campers to relax; each camper needs to bring a sack lunch. Lunch is approx. 30 mins. After lunch campers will participate in on and off horse activities including, games, stable management, art/craft projects, making horse treats, horse related games, reading and scavenger hunts. Some camp activities/schedules will be different depending on the type of camp.
After Camp:
Campers are picked up at the end time listed on their camp page. We have campers gather their items and out at the pick up area about 5 mins. before the camp days end time. If a camper is to be picked up early please let us know.
Campers are expected to behave in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner. Our barn policies are in with the liability forms as well as covered the first day of camp. Please take a minute to go over these rules with your child. They are enforced for the safety of both our riders and our horses. Failure to abide by these rules can result in dismissal from an activity or camp and parents maybe called midday to pick up their child if behavior is considered inappropriate. Children sent home due to inappropriate behavior are not entitled to a refund.
Our counselors practice a Q 1, 2 policy.
- When a camper goes against a policy or misbehaves they are first questioned (Q).

Exp. Did you know you’re suppose to walk in the barn?
- If the camper is talked to again, they are given a warning.

Exp. I already spoke with you once about walking in the barn and now you are not staying with the group, it’s important that I know where all campers are for your safety. (1)
- If the camper is talked to a third time they are reminded of the policy and that they have been talked to twice already. At this point they are taken out of regular activities and placed in a time out/reflection chair for the number of min. as they are old. (2)
If campers are unresponsive to this or behavior becomes consistently disruptive to camp a parent is notified and the camper maybe sent home.
We also do not tolerate campers picking on, making fun of, laughing at or excluding each other for any reason ever. We do our best to keep all campers included in all activates and teach campers tolerance and understanding of each other.
Please contact us if you have any questions.